Currently reading 'Ethics for people who work in Tech', 'Robot Souls', and 'short introduction to Sociology'.

- I would recommend 'Ethical Machines' for those implementing processes in the work place,

- 'AI ethics' for getting an overview,

- 'Privacy is Power' to anyone, as its great!

- 'Stories from 2045' if you're interested in AI, economics and UBI

... sure theres more but that's what i got for now :)

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Thank you Ben, that's a great list!

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The MAEI breifings and end of years are super helpful. I loving listening to podcasts and watching youtube videos (also gives me ideas for my own www.machine-ethics.net). I read some papers but also ALOT of books which i post on my patreon and instagram @machineethicspodcast

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Thank you for sharing Ben! If you have some books that you'd like to share here with our readers, we welcome that!

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Greetings MAIEI! I'm writing regarding the recent question you posed in your AI Ethics Brief #124 email: "What are some of your favorite sources to stay abreast in the field of responsible AI?" As a representative of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society (SRI) at the University of Toronto, I'd like to share a resource with you for consideration for sharing with your community if you think it might be of interest:

"Discerning signal from noise: The state of global AI standardization and what it means for Canada" (a joint report from SRI and the Standards Council of Canada): https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ef0b24bc96ec4739e7275d3/t/6447e5d394c9df075de5c5c0/1682433492483/SRI_DiscerningSignalFromNoise_2023_English.pdf

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Thank you for sharing Jovana, this is a very interesting report. Is there a point of contact for this? We'd like to invite the lead author(s) to share a research summary with the MAIEI community. Thanks! You can either hit reply to the email newsletter or reach out to us at https://montrealethics.ai/contact/

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Thanks for your interest! The report was a collaborative effort and, as such, no individual authors are listed on byline. However, I believe one of our policy researchers, Maggie Arai, was heavily involved in the creation of this report. I will connect with Maggie to see if she's willing and able to share a research summary, but could you give me a bit more detail about what exactly this research summary entails? Is it a written document? How long should it be? And what would the timeline for submission be? Thanks! You can email me at jovana.jankovic@utoronto.ca

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Thank you Jovana, Abhishek has sent you an email with the details for this.

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