Revisiting ethics as a dynamic process, exploring the rise of chatbots and their societal impact, addressing AI’s carbon footprint, and unpacking when AI missteps in media headlines.
"Furthermore, morality is not stagnant; it continuously evolves and moulds to the social setting in which it finds itself. To give a medical example, assisting someone in their death (termed “euthanasia”) can be legal on one side of a state border and carry a prison sentence on the other."
Come on! That's a comment on the law, not the mutability of morality. Homosexuality was a criminal offence in the UK until 1967 - did it change its moral status that year? Or how about Nazi laws regarding Jewish people and others? The law isn't totally separate from morality (one hopes) but morality should guide the law. The law does not (necessarily) reflect morality.
It's not everyday I get called upon to help save an entire globe of Humans.
The calling said ...
"Stop your entire life and DO THIS NOW! I do not care that you are busy." To which I replied l ...
"Pick somebody else. Why me?"
"Why you!?..
Aren't you the one who wakes up each and every day claiming to want to serve humanity! Well, I'm calling your bluff. Plus, don't forget, I once made you a technology expert, long before I let you go off and play in art. That was my clever ploy. You needed the art thing to enhance your consciousness because little did you know that Artificial Intelligence was going to one day come along and make it necessary for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN on Earth to immediately understand this subject for their own survival. All of them!
Now, my servant, I have prepared you well. I have given you the technical background, experience, and scholarship to research the technologies that enable AI; I have made you a writer with a longtime record of contextualizing the interworkings of human culture; and, alas, I have made you an artist whose longtime charge it has been to examine society and human culture from a multitude of perspectives.
Now, these are precisely the quaifications that are needed to help the world with the topic of machines joining the human species as VIP shot callers.
Therefore, I call upon you to stop everything and to write a book that makes readers smart about AI ... a book that offers a unique perspective while synthesizing the many issues of AI into a focused conversation with important take-aways that are immedately useful to every reader. AND I need you to accomplish this using easy language and examples that also show how AI works under the hood, but make it interesting and simple, and, BTW, don't make it all about doom and gloom; but rather, seek to inspire people to feel empowered and not helpless. And Do It ASAP."
That was the calling -- no superhero-cape-issuance ceremony. No instructions except... " Write the one book about AI that every Human needs to read ASAP because it is not enough for humans to be in the know about the latest AI gadgets, or prompts, or shocking headlines. They NEED to be smart about AI itself in order to join this important conversation that will decide the fate of all humanity. All humans need to be truly informed about what AI does, what it will do, and how it will do it. Then, and only then, will humans gain the power we need to survive, let alone thrive, in an AI world." Yes, "Children Are the Future" but, first, we have to get them there.
Well, anyway, I did my best (imaginary cape flapping in the wind). Here's. that book. Short, sweet, and powerful.
Order from Barnes & Noble or Amazon. Makes the perfect gift, too... the gift of knowledge!
Amazon. softcover 19.99 or B&N - soft or hardcover.
"Furthermore, morality is not stagnant; it continuously evolves and moulds to the social setting in which it finds itself. To give a medical example, assisting someone in their death (termed “euthanasia”) can be legal on one side of a state border and carry a prison sentence on the other."
Come on! That's a comment on the law, not the mutability of morality. Homosexuality was a criminal offence in the UK until 1967 - did it change its moral status that year? Or how about Nazi laws regarding Jewish people and others? The law isn't totally separate from morality (one hopes) but morality should guide the law. The law does not (necessarily) reflect morality.
It was not easy, but I did my part! 🥰🏆🎉
It's not everyday I get called upon to help save an entire globe of Humans.
The calling said ...
"Stop your entire life and DO THIS NOW! I do not care that you are busy." To which I replied l ...
"Pick somebody else. Why me?"
"Why you!?..
Aren't you the one who wakes up each and every day claiming to want to serve humanity! Well, I'm calling your bluff. Plus, don't forget, I once made you a technology expert, long before I let you go off and play in art. That was my clever ploy. You needed the art thing to enhance your consciousness because little did you know that Artificial Intelligence was going to one day come along and make it necessary for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN on Earth to immediately understand this subject for their own survival. All of them!
Now, my servant, I have prepared you well. I have given you the technical background, experience, and scholarship to research the technologies that enable AI; I have made you a writer with a longtime record of contextualizing the interworkings of human culture; and, alas, I have made you an artist whose longtime charge it has been to examine society and human culture from a multitude of perspectives.
Now, these are precisely the quaifications that are needed to help the world with the topic of machines joining the human species as VIP shot callers.
Therefore, I call upon you to stop everything and to write a book that makes readers smart about AI ... a book that offers a unique perspective while synthesizing the many issues of AI into a focused conversation with important take-aways that are immedately useful to every reader. AND I need you to accomplish this using easy language and examples that also show how AI works under the hood, but make it interesting and simple, and, BTW, don't make it all about doom and gloom; but rather, seek to inspire people to feel empowered and not helpless. And Do It ASAP."
That was the calling -- no superhero-cape-issuance ceremony. No instructions except... " Write the one book about AI that every Human needs to read ASAP because it is not enough for humans to be in the know about the latest AI gadgets, or prompts, or shocking headlines. They NEED to be smart about AI itself in order to join this important conversation that will decide the fate of all humanity. All humans need to be truly informed about what AI does, what it will do, and how it will do it. Then, and only then, will humans gain the power we need to survive, let alone thrive, in an AI world." Yes, "Children Are the Future" but, first, we have to get them there.
Well, anyway, I did my best (imaginary cape flapping in the wind). Here's. that book. Short, sweet, and powerful.
Order from Barnes & Noble or Amazon. Makes the perfect gift, too... the gift of knowledge!
Amazon. softcover 19.99 or B&N - soft or hardcover.