That's absolutely true Elaine, open- or close-source won't be a panacea, but it might nudge the ecosystem in the right direction. As for data consent, that is a fundamental issue that goes beyond open-sourcing and will require a rethink on how the AI development community engages with the owners of the data rights.
That's absolutely true Elaine, open- or close-source won't be a panacea, but it might nudge the ecosystem in the right direction. As for data consent, that is a fundamental issue that goes beyond open-sourcing and will require a rethink on how the AI development community engages with the owners of the data rights.
That's absolutely true Elaine, open- or close-source won't be a panacea, but it might nudge the ecosystem in the right direction. As for data consent, that is a fundamental issue that goes beyond open-sourcing and will require a rethink on how the AI development community engages with the owners of the data rights.