Sitemap - 2020 - The AI Ethics Brief

AI Ethics #36: Top 10 AI Ethics Posts of 2020

AI Ethics #35: Green algorithms, data statements for NLP, AI and the Global South, and more ...

AI Ethics #34: Wrong kind of AI, Industry AI Ethics 101, AI Safety, Security, and Stability Among Great Powers

AI Ethics #33: The compute divide, secret revealer, UX for AI, algorithmic fairness and domain generalization

AI Ethics #32: Vulnerability in the Gig Economy in Africa, Let's Talk Privacy, and bridging the gap between AI and the public

AI Ethics #31: Political power of platforms, hazard contribution modes, and breaking neural networks.

AI Ethics #30: Unintended memorization in neural networks, AI ethics in East Asia, and AI in clinical care

AI Ethics #29: Warning signs, fairness definitions, considerations for closed messaging research, AI & labour in the Global South, and chatbots

AI Ethics #28: The State of AI Ethics Report (October 2020)

AI Ethics #27: The Guest Edition

AI Ethics #26: Whiteness of AI, frontiers of fairness, aging in an era of fake news, politics of adversarial machine learning, protect yourself from misinformation, and more ...

AI Ethics #25: AI for the US Gov, power and bias in NLP, multimodal disinformation, temporal bias, AI in healthcare and more ...

AI Ethics #24: Science fiction to teach AI ethics, unnoticed cognitive biases, post-pandemic university, face-mask recognition, political databases, and more ...

AI Ethics #23: Repeating society's classic mistakes in AI ethics, contesting ML benchmarks, cognitive science of fake news, insurance for the gig economy, and more ...

AI Ethics #22: Anthropological guide to AI Ethics, algorithmic colonization, digital abundance and scarce genius, safety-critical AI systems, and more ...

AI Ethics #21: Lexicon of lies, algorithmic accountability, future of AI in education, human rights in AI, organized social media manipulation, and more ...

AI Ethics #20: Machines complementing humans, GDPR and CCPA, UBI and the value of data, cookies and journalism, and more ...

AI Ethics #19: Children's perspective on creepy technologies, collecting sociocultural data in ML, mass incarceration and the future of AI, and more ...

AI Ethics #18: Living Dictionary, red-teaming AI systems, computing in social change, energy latency attacks, future of work with software automation and more ...

AI Ethics #17: Trustworthy ML, Decolonial AI, organized social media manipulation, digital sock puppets, unpredictability of AI and more ...

AI Ethics #16: Ubuntu ethics, chief data ethics officers, deepfakes for corporate training, social biases in NLP as barriers for people with disabilities and more ...

AI Ethics #15: Classical ethics, climate denial on Facebook, speech recognition bias, comparing human and machine perception, and more ...

AI Ethics #14: Good Deepfakes, Digital New Deal, Robustness of Neural Networks, Misinformation on Whatsapp, Geo-indistinguishability and more ...

AI Ethics #13 : The State of AI Ethics quarterly report and more ...

AI Ethics #12 : Citizen councils evaluating AI, lexicon of lies, future of work in Canada, AI governance, limitations of AI systems, success metrics in AI, and more ...

AI Ethics #11: Phantom gains, multimodal disinformation, carbon footprint of ML, evasion attacks against ML, recognizing masked faces, and more ...

AI Ethics #10 : Truth decay, fighting hate speech, data custodians, trends in ML scholarship, future of privacy and security in ML, and more ...

AI Ethics #9 : Defending ML systems, learning from Ubuntu, the "reputation age", boosting science against coronavirus misinformation, and more ...

AI Ethics #8: Adversarial ML politics, tech-enabled disinformation, specification gaming, AI making art, comparing human with machine thoughts, and more ...

AI Ethics #7: AI alignment, Scotland's AI strategy, reproducible ML, online privacy, tailored intelligibility, MAIEI learning communities and more ...

AI Ethics #6 : Radioactive data, attacking deep RL, steering AI progress, sucker's list, AI ethics in marketing and more ...

AI Ethics #5 : Bias Monsters, AI canaries, empathy machines, data feminism, technical details for COVID-19 AI apps and more ...

AI Ethics #4 : Pandemic Privacy, fixing unethical design, CORD-19 dataset, infodemic, AI governance and more ...

AI Ethics #3 : Privacy face masks, ML Fairness, Deepfakes, Franken-algorithms and more ...

AI Ethics #2 : Toxic feedback loops, AI regulations, ethics checklists, disinformation, and more ...

AI Ethics #1: Hello World! Relational ethics, misinformation, animism and more ...